


Payment Options

Medications & prescription pet food order

  • Medications ordered through our in-house pharmacy and prescription pet food orders must be paid for in advance prior to shipment.  

  • In-house pharmacy and prescription pet food orders can also be picked up in person and paid for at the time of pick-up.

  • All sales of medication are final.  

  • By law, we cannot accept returns for medications that have been dispensed (unopened or opened).

    Payment Options

    • Zelle or Cash is our preferred form of payment.  
    • We also accept Credit & Debit Card*

    *Credit Card fee is 3% of the total amount.

    *We're sorry, but we do NOT accept Checks or Care Credit.

    Payment Policy:

    Terms of Service

    • Payment for all services is required at the time of service and prior to any supplies that may be delivered. 
    • Pre-payment for some services may be made by Zelle or Square App.
    • If you want to pay by ZELLE please ⚠️ use"ONLY" the email address 📧:

      We have the right to refuse service based on behavior or health concerns.

      If you know your dog may be aggressive, please take appropriate safety precautions to protect the safety of our staff and yours.

      Please be responsible. Thank you!
